representing his stable of illustrators in front of clients, Jeremy uses his iPad as an interactive portfolio. He's even been working on a new portfolio app for his agency, the Jacky Winter Group
"For portfolios,It's a great tool," says Jeremy. "We have a playllst for each artist and people can have that hands-on right there. It's been a really great thing in terms of promotion."
Whenever he's not working, Jeremy uses his iPad as a mobile bookcase.
"I consider myself a book enthusiast. But It's hard to move around. Having everything right there has been incredible"
1. The New Yorker
I'm just obsessed with it. If you're Interested in print media. It's Just unsustainable because of how expensive It is. S20 a week? The New Yorker is definitely my favourite thing.
2. Instapaper
It's primarily a reading device for me, so Instapaper is useful
3. Reeder
Great for RSS feeds.
4. Infinity Blade
I got stuck on infinity Blade for two weeks I think it's the sound. The mechanics of the game are so dumb, but it's a tot of fun.
5. Tab Toolkit
I'm learning Ukulele and I play guitar, so Tab Toolkit is incredible. Before you'd have to find tabs,prinf them out and put them on a stand...
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