
Sunday, August 7, 2011


 The battery life of a BlackBerry can vary greatly, depending on how it's stored and how it's used.

Many mobile manufacturers claim to offer a magic formula that will make their batteries pretty much immortal, but, sadly, there is no such panacea and each has its own particular lifespan before it needs charging.

But there are things you can do with your BlackBerry device to maximise the amount of time between charges - and it's not rocket science.

We will share the hints and tips that will help you to get the most out of your battery and stop you having to carry around a charger for fear of a black screen during that important business call or long-distance natter to a loved one.

Before we offer that advice, the table on the right offers a quick rundown of the average battery life for a range of BlackBerry devices.

Modern BlackBerry devices make use of Li-ion (Lithium-ion) batteries. These are rechargeable and rely on the movement of a lithium ion between the cathode and anode to provide power and to power-up during a charging session.

Remember the 'yuppy' phones of the 1980s? They were incredibly cumbersome and heavy to carry around because of their chips and battery requirements. One of the reasons Li-ion batteries are so popular is because they offer manufacturers a really good weight-to-energy ratio. They are also said not to adversely affect a device's memory or suffer from energy seepage when they are not being used - all important factors for today's BlackBerry users.

Here are our top-six tips for ensuring the engine that powers your BlackBerry lasts:
1 Fully charge the battery when you first get your BlackBerry device. Fear not if you leave it plugged in a bit too long (although that's not the best for the environment or safety) because overcharging will not break the handset.

2 Don't wait until your battery is completely dead before you recharge it. It's a pointless waste of time that does nothing but separate you from a valuable communications device at potentially awkward moments.

3 Turn off the Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth/radio-searching capabilities of your BlackBerry if you don't need them. Otherwise, your device will act like a sniffer dog, constantly searching for connectivity action -and, just iike a working dog, it will get tired and hungry.

4 Watch the backlight brightness on your BlackBerry device. Reducing it a bit won't make much difference to the display, but it could make a noticeable difference to the longevity of the battery.

5 Be mindful of the temperature at which you store your mobile. Heated environments will make your battery feel weaker much more quickly - like a tourist in a hot destination.

6 If you are a Facebook addict, or use any other application a lot, watch your use - intensive application tomfoolery will drain your battery's juice levels quicker than anything else.

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