
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

HOW TO / Convert media in iTunes so it will always play on your iPhone

01- Try to sync

Using tools such as Handbrake on your Mac or PC, you can convert your videos into iPhone-ready files. The problem is that sometimes these files won't sync to your iPhone - even if they're in the right format and play in iTunes. Luckily, you can fix this.

02- Convert selection

 First, select the movie in iTunes you want to sync. -click (or right-click on Windows) and select Convert Selection for iPod/iPhone, Look at your playlists (on the left-hand side of the iTunes interface) and you'll see a Converting playlist, Click on this.

03-Finish converting

When iTunes has finished converting your movie file, you'll have two copies of the same video. Remember that when iTunes converts the file, it does take some of the quality away, so it's a good idea to keep the original movie around for future use.

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