
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to have fun with Photo Booth

 Take twisted, wacky pictures with the iPad 2's built-in photo app


cameras to the iPad 2's feature set. It could have stopped there and just let you get on with it, but to add a splash of fun to proceedings and highlight howversatile theyare, it's also installed this infectious little app as standard. No need to download Photo Booth from the App Store -it will be ready out of the box.

Compared to, say, iMovie's feature-heavy set-up, Photo Booth really is as simple as they come. Just point one of the iPad's cameras at your subject, choose one of eight wacky effects and snap away. You can take a picture ofyourselfin infrared or through an X-ray lens, create bizarre kaleidoscopic collages or twist a friend's face into all manner of crazy contortions. Then, once you've captured your madcap portrait, you can share it with friends at the tap ofa button. Or, ifyou're that way inclined, store it on your camera roll for posterity and then threaten to upload it to Facebook next time you want something from the subject.

It's an extremely straightforward app to use so won't take more than a couple of minutes to getyour head around. Read on to find out how it works.



■ A willing subject

■ A wi-fi connection
(for instant sharing)

Time required: 3-4 mins
Difficulty: Beginner

 Say cheese!

As in the iPad or iPhone's standard camera app, just press this button to snap your picture, once you've got your subject lined up.

Picture preview

Compose your picture before you snap with the app's real-time preview display.

View your library

This strip displays all your most recent pictures. Just tap one to bring it up for closer viewing or to share with a friend.

Switch cameras

This button lets you switch between the self-portrait-friendly front-facing camera or, if you're shooting someone else, the back-facing lens.

Choose your effect

Hit the tab in the bottom left-hand corner ofthe screen to change the selected effect. There are eight different filters to choose from.

 1 Choose your effect First things first, you need to choose which effect you want to inflict on your subject. The selection screen will be the first thing you see when you boot up the app, offering eight different filters to choose from.

 2 Line up your shot Tapping on one of the available filters will take you to the shooting screen, detailed in full on page 53. The Thermal Camera displays heat signatures - perfect for recreating your favourite Predator set-piece.

3 X-Ray spectacle Don't worry, the X-Ray effect isn't able to show what sort of underwear you're sporting. Maybe Apple will add that in the next iOS update?

 4 Kaleidoscope for improvement The Kaleidoscope filter lets you come up with some seriously out-there images. Not one for the family portrait but fun nevertheless.

 5 Feeling the squeeze okay, this is where the freak show really starts. The Squeeze effect pinches your face into all manner of ghastly contortions. Time to live out your E.T. fantasies.

 6 Spinning around Twirl spins your face into a twisted, freakish vortex.This one is perfect for passport photos, driving licence snaps or any other official government ID.

 7 At a Stretch Ever wondered what you'd look like ifyou had a fleshy cuboid for a head? Of course you have. The Stretch effect offers just that, pulling your face into a perfect square.

 Tweak the filters

While using the Mirror, Kaleidoscope, Light tunnel, Squeeze, Twirl or Stretch filters, you can move the 'focus point' of the effect by dragging it around the touch screen with your finger.

8 Share your images Once you've taken a picture, tap on it then press the 'Share' tab in the bottom-right corner. You can then email the image direct from the app, or copy it for further use.

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