
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things - iphone 4

£5.99/$9.99 Get yourself organised

You might think it's madness to throw six pounds at a to-do list manager, but we think it's worth it. 

Quite apart from the polish and obvious care that's gone into building the app, it's actually a great way of keeping you organised and making sure you get more done.

While you can just dive in and start creating to-dos, it's worth spending a little time setting up projects, keywords and areas of responsibilities. 

Spending time on this at the start - and ensuring areas of responsibilities and projects have tags associated with them at the top level - means that as you add tasks to these pots, they'll all be filed and tagged in the correct way. 

This means that when you later want to start sorting your to-dos - to show upcoming tasks that are just for work, or those that pertain to a specific project - it's a piece of cake.

The joy of Things is that once you're set up, you can just chuck to-dos at it, give them deadlines, and let it deal with prioritising tasks. 

The first thing we do when we get into the office in the morning is fire up Things and see what we have to do that day. 

It syncs locally (not over the internet yet, sadly) with other iOS devices through the £45/$50 Mac version.

We've barely scratched the surface, but suffice to say that this guide probably wouldn't have been made without Things.

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