
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Geared - iPhone


59p/99C A challenging puzzler

There are some puzzle games that lay their stall out early Tetris is a good example. 
There are falling shapes and you fit them together... that's all you have to do and it works wonderfully, Then there are the overly complex ones that introduce more and more elements into the game until your head begins to hurt and you wonder what you were thinking about in exchanging cash for mental torture.

Geared is a weird one, though - as if its creators were finding their feet in the design process. It starts off so simple that it's almost mundane, and continues to plough its initially tedious furrow for roughly 20 levels. 
Only then does the play mechanic - that of placing variously sized cogs on a grid in order to link the initial gear to the end one -get going and provide you with engrossing puzzling for the remainder of its 150 levels.

It's the sort of game you'll buy, be mildly disappointed with for the first five minutes, then go on to play constantly until you've completed it -at which point you'll be sorely disappointed it's all over and be pining for a sequel as soon as possible.

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