
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yahoo! Messenger

An extremely responsive way in which to chatter to friends over the web using your smartphone.
Free IM with ease from one mobile to another

If instant messaging takes precedence over phone calls and texting in your life, the Yahoo! Messenger is one way to chat over the web from your smartphone. Letting you IM from one mobile phone to another or to a desktop, you can chat, share photos and video, send emoticons and get direct access to Yahoo! Mail. If you are using Yahoo Messenger for the first time, you'll also be able to chat to friends using MSN and Windows Live. Handsets running on Android 2.2 or above, can install the Yahoo! Messenger Voice and Video Plug-in to access free voice and video calling between other Android phones, the iPhone and PCs.

The first to thing to notice about this app is the speed with which it operates. It's extremely responsive to opening new screens and selecting features.

That is complemented by a clean-looking interface which looks consistent across Yahoo! apps.

Striking up IM conversations was seamless and there's great ease in searching out new contacts.

The video calling feature is still at testing stage, but with landscape video calling and the useful ability to video chat across other smartphones,this is an app that should coverall your communication bases admirably.

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