
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Battleship - iPhone 4


59p/99C A game that never gets old

Unless you've played the game the good old-fashioned way with pen and paper, you won't fully appreciate this iPhone version, In days of yore, two players would draw various battleships on graph paper or a grid of their own making, then call out grid references to see if their missiles had scored a hit or not on their opposite number. Later, Milton Bradley made a fun, but large and cumbersome electronic version of the game, which proved a hit with wannabe naval types. Now the game has found its perfect home on the iPhone, thanks to Hasbro and EA, As well as the standard game, this version also boasts salvo and superweapon modes, featuring manoeuvres such as multiple attacks, airstrikes, mines and the like.

Graphically, the game is spiced up with smart cutscenes depicting weapons being fired and ships sinking dramatically, and there's multiplayerfun to be had across local networks. Battleship isn't everyone's ration of rum, but love it or loathe it, it's hard to see how the classic game could have been any better implemented on the iPhone.

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